A Progressive's Toolbox

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Core Philosophy: What Progressives Want & Believe

  1. Introduction
  2. Vision
  3. Tenets
  4. Values
  5. Principles
  6. Areas of Focus
  7. Aspirations
  8. Appendix


The purpose of this page is to present what I believe unites progressives. The idea is to give progressives a specific framework and language they can use to better promote and defend the progressive mindset. It covers the overall vision, values, principles, and areas of focus that strike at the core of what it means to be progressive - all of which are founded in what I believe are traditional American values.


Core Vision

A safe, prosperous, and free nation, governed by responsible stewards of the people, where no one is above the law, everyone has a fair shot at success, and each citizen has equal say in how government is run.


Core Tenets

  1. We believe in a people-driven nation - a nation whose success, prosperity, and influence is fueled not by business, or religion, or party, but by the will, determination, and character of its people.
  2. We believe the role of government is to elevate the condition of the people so that everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy the fruits of prosperity and contribute to their country's success and influence.
  3. We believe that government has a right and a duty to protect the interests and freedoms of the public in the face of any threat - domestic or foreign, environmental or social, physical or psychological.


Core Values

As progressives, we value PEOPLE:

Public Interest
Government officials, to the best of their abilities, should work to serve and defend the common good. They are always thinking about what will benefit or minimize harm to the greatest number of people.

We believe that everyone is equal before the law - that no one is above or beyond the reach of the law, that no one is entitled to unfair advantages, and that no one should be subjected to unequal penalties based on the law.

Along with equality, everyone should have, to quote Abraham Lincoln, “an unfettered start, and a fair chance, in the race of life.”

It is the responsibility of government to ensure the safety and security of the people from foreign, domestic, environmental, psychological, and corporate threats. Laws are put in place, first and foremost, to protect the people.

Government has a duty to recognize, respect, and uphold the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Democracies fail most often either when people are not empowered to participate or when they lose trust in the desire or willingness of their elected officials to act on their behalf. Government officials must work hard to listen to, communicate with, and direct the people - to show them that they are worthy to represent them, to fight for them on their behalf.


In addition to these six core values, we oppose the following "anti-values":

  1. Private interest - the personal or corporate interests that may conflict with the public interest. A government that serves private interest prioritizes individual or group gains over the broader good of society.
  2. Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of people based on factors such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
  3. Favoritism - the practice of showing favor or preferential treatment to a particular person or group, often unfairly.
  4. Negligence - the failure of a government or other public entity to fulfill its duties or responsibilities, resulting in harm or loss to the public.
  5. Tyranny - a cruel and oppressive government or ruler. Tyranny involves the abuse of power, suppression of rights, and the creation of a climate of fear.
  6. Disregard - the practice of ignoring or disengaging from public sentiment.
All these anti-values have one thing in common: the idea that the people are not worthy or able to govern themselves effectively. This central idea is what progressives strive to fight against.


Core Principles

We believe in the power of CARE:

Government officials must be stewards of the people - they must act in the interest of the public and channel public views in legislation and administration. Adhering to this value requires maintaining an open, transparent, two-way channel of communication between government officials and the public. Opportunities must be developed to talk and listen to the American people regarding the issues that impact them and are meaningful to them.

Elected officials must hold themselves accountable to two things: the people, whom they represent, and the Constitution of the United States, the fundamental law of the nation. Following this principle involves

Government officials, in acting for the common good, must address threats to public safety, health, and tranquility. This requires the use of intelligence, science, data, and resources in order to develop and maintain an effective response or strategy for managing public threats and issues.

While we aspire to a society where everyone is treated equally, the reality is that historical injustices and systemic inequities continue to disadvantage certain groups. To create a more equal society, we must proactively address these disparities through targeted resource allocation and policy interventions.


Core Areas of Focus

Our core areas of focus are PROGRESSIVE:

Public Health
We believe in ensuring accessible, affordable, and high-quality healthcare for all. We prioritize preventative care, mental health services, and addressing public health crises like pandemics, epidemics, and environmental disasters.

We advocate for a government that reflects the diversity of our nation. We support policies that ensure everyone, especially individuals from historically marginalized groups, has a voice in the political process and is represented at all levels of government.

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We support policies that create jobs, provide training and education, and support small businesses.

We believe that government should be transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the people. We support policies that promote open government, enhance communication with citizens, and ensure that government officials are held accountable for their actions.

We believe in protecting and defending the fundamental rights of all individuals, including the rights to speech, press, religion, and privacy, as well as reproductive rights. We support policies that promote civil liberties, protect an individual's ability to make their own decisions about their bodies, and ensure that everyone can live their lives free from discrimination and fear.

We believe that education is essential for personal, economic, and civic development. We support policies that ensure access to quality education for all, promote critical thinking, prepare students for the future of work and active citizenship.

We believe that national security is essential to protecting our nation and its citizens. We support policies that prioritize diplomacy, international cooperation, and a strong defense, while also protecting civil liberties.

We believe that everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities. We support policies that reduce gun violence, strengthen public safety, and address the root causes of crime.

We believe that inequality is a systemic issue that must be overcome. We support policies that address disparities in income, health, education, public funding and spending, and other outcomes.

Voter Protection
We believe that everyone has the right to vote and that their vote should count. We support policies that protect voting rights, expand access to voting, and prevent voter suppression.

Environmental Protection
We believe that protecting our planet is essential for the well-being of future generations. We support policies that address climate change, protect our natural resources, reduce pollution and toxic subtances in our air and water, and promote sustainable practices.


Core Aspirations

In short, as progressives, we aspire to the following:

Or, to keep it BRIEF, we fight for



Core Philosophy
Values Principles Areas of Focus Aspirations
  • Public Interest
  • Equality
  • Opportunity
  • Protection
  • Liberty
  • Engagement
  • Connection
  • Accountability
  • Readiness
  • Equity
  • Public Health
  • Representation
  • Opportunity
  • Governance
  • Rights
  • Education
  • Security
  • Safety
  • Inequality
  • Voter Protection
  • Environmental Protection
  • Broad Prosperity
  • Responsible Stewardship
  • Informed Engagement
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Free Nation
