Mark Blasini

Thoughts & Outlooks

Entropy interpretation of quantum systems


Note: I am neither a physicist nor a mathematician. This interpretation is purely based on my current understanding of quantum behavior and may develop over time.

  1. All quantum systems are (more or less) locatable - that is, their position can be determined with a degree of certainty through a process of interaction with some feature of its external environment. I call this the postulate of locatability.
  2. The possible states of locatability are unlocalized (that is, the position of the quantum system is locatable, but not currently measured) and localized (the quantum system is locatable and measured).
  3. The Schrödinger wave function describes the distribution of possibilities for a quantum system to be located. That is to say, it describes how locatable the system is as time increases.
  4. The entropy of a quantum system, as described by the wave function, tends to increase over time. This increase in entropy reflects the system's transition towards a more disordered and unpredictable state. This is known as the postulate of internal entropy.
  5. Interference patterns observed in quantum experiments, such as the double-slit experiment, can be understood as a manifestation of the system's locatability. Constructive interference signifies increased locatability (locations where the system is locatable at the same or similar points), while destructive interference indicates decreased locatability or even impossibility of localization (points where the system is least likely to be "found").
  6. A necessary property of locatability is a measure of the potential distance between a quantum system and all other interactable phenomena. In other words, to be localized means to be differentiated from all other points of interaction; to be locatable means to be potentially differentiated. I call this the postulate of distantiation. This is a necessary condition for the validity of the principle of locality.
  7. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where the wave functions of two or more systems become correlated, which includes the potential distance between the systems. The correlation between entangled systems affects their locatability, which is subject to the overall distribution of probabilities described by their wave functions. That is to say, if one system becomes localized, such correlation, which includes the potential distance between the systems, is also (instantaneously) expressed.