Mark Blasini

Methods Toolbox



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Method: Sun Tzu's Ten Rules
Source: Ten Rules I've Learned From Sun Tzu on Achieving Personal Success
  1. Cultivate your Tao.
  2. Calculate the dangers.
  3. Gather intel.
  4. Conceal your intentions.
  5. Protect yourself before taking action.
  6. Use strengths to exploit opportunities.
  7. Move if there's an advantage.
  8. Accumutlate little advantages.
  9. Quick, modest, secure gains over long, huge, risky gains.
  10. Once committed, go deep.

Method: Sun Tzu's Warrior Mantras
Source: Three warrior mantras I use from The Art of War
  1. Know thy enemy, know thyself
  2. No gain, no action. No danger, no battle.
  3. Avoid the strong, attack the weak.
    1. See source for full details.


Method: The SPAR Approach
Source: The SPAR Approach - my Sun Tzu-inspired operating system for dealing with daily challenges
Description: My personal approach for dealing with challenging situations. Stands for:
  1. Situation: What is the situation? Is it a conflict, competition, or confrontation?
  2. Principle: What principle(s) apply? Cohesion, concealment, or control?
  3. Action: How will I apply the principle(s) in question?
  4. Results: What were the results? Greater consensus, confidence, or cooperation?
    1. Read the source link for full explanation.