Method: Sun Tzu's Ten Rules
Ten Rules I've Learned From Sun Tzu on Achieving Personal Success
- Cultivate your Tao.
- Calculate the dangers.
- Gather intel.
- Conceal your intentions.
- Protect yourself before taking action.
- Use strengths to exploit opportunities.
- Move if there's an advantage.
- Accumutlate little advantages.
- Quick, modest, secure gains over long, huge, risky gains.
- Once committed, go deep.
Method: Sun Tzu's Warrior Mantras
Three warrior mantras I use from The Art of War
- Know thy enemy, know thyself
- No gain, no action. No danger, no battle.
- Avoid the strong, attack the weak.
See source for full details.
Method: The SPAR Approach
Source: The SPAR Approach - my Sun Tzu-inspired operating system for dealing with daily challenges
Description: My personal approach for dealing with challenging situations. Stands for:
- Situation: What is the situation? Is it a conflict, competition, or confrontation?
- Principle: What principle(s) apply? Cohesion, concealment, or control?
- Action: How will I apply the principle(s) in question?
- Results: What were the results? Greater consensus, confidence, or cooperation?
Read the source link for full explanation.