Mark Blasini


Is it getting easier?


In a previous post, I wrote about how, if you want to be successful at something, you shouldn't set an end-result as a goal (e.g. double my income in 12 months, lose 20 lbs in 3 months, etc.).

Instead, you should set a position-aspiration - a statement that describes what "position" you want to be. What do you want to be able to do? What do you want to not deal with? What state of being do you want become?

The idea is to focus on your quality of life, not some arbitrary quantity you set up so that you have something to reach.

However, a logical response to this is: well, how do you track progress then? How do you know you're getting any closer to reaching your aspiration if you don't have a measurable end-result that tells you when you've reached it?

To answer this question, I refer you to a previous statement I've made: success is a skill. Success isn't an endpoint, something to reach. It's a skill that must be practiced and learned.

You have to learn how to be fit and energetic, how to be financially independent, how to be at the top of your field.

Progress, then, comes from answering a simple question, every day: Is this getting easier?

Is the practice getting easier? Have I got the basics down? Do I understand how this works better? Can I move on to the next sub-skill?

If your aspiration is to have a successful online business, ask yourself: is it getting easier to acquire subscribers? Is it getting easier to convert those subscribers into customers? Is it getting easier to convert those customers into life-time customers?

If your aspiration is to be fit and have lots of energy, ask yourself: is it getting easier to exercise? Is it getting easier to work on other projects in life? Is it getting easier to think clearly and be in a good mood?

Of course, if you wanted to, you can quantify how easier it is getting. Maybe you can quantify your level of feeling each day (e.g. "Yesterday, I was feeling about a 4 in terms of ease. Today, I'm feeling about a 6.").

Or you can quantify the number of times you're able to do something without failing (e.g. "Yesterday, I was able to play this piano piece 8 times without making a mistake. Today, I was able to play it 10 times without making a mistake.").

Either way, the quantifying is not necessary. You can just go off your general impression: is it getting easier for me to get where I want to be?

The easier it gets, the closer you get to reaching your position-aspiration.