Mark Blasini


Are you in tactical hell?


The author Robert Greene uses a powerful concept that he calls "tactical hell" to describe the state in which many people live today.

Tactical hell is any situation in which we are left reacting to the actions and reactions of the people or things that influence our lives.

That long debate you're having on Facebook with some troll - that's tactical hell. That recurring argument you have with your significant other about some facet of your relationship - that's tactical hell. That crowded competition you have with other businesses in your market - that's tactical hell. That long-term struggle you have with maintaining a good diet and losing weight - that's tactical hell.

The problem with tactical hell is that no matter how smart or clever we are, no matter how educated our perspective is, no matter how persistent we are, we don't really get anywhere.

The person we're arguing against still isn't convinced. The argument with the significant other never really goes away, and may even drive separation or resentment. The competition never abates. Your weight fluctuates - getting lower some months and higher other months.

Hell is not simply some horrible place - at least that, you can make better. Rather, hell is having to endure a situation that can't get better. A situation in which nothing really changes.

The ideal of strategy is not to have the best moves, to use the best tactics, to be clever or smart. The ideal is to control the situation, to be in a position where you can make things better.

It's not to win the online debate, to win the argument over your significant other, to destroy the competition, or to lose weight.

The idea is to have an open, productive conversation, a flow of ideas. To improve the relationship. To provide unique solutions to problems in your market. To improve your health and energy.

When you spend so much on reacting to other people or situations, then you're letting them control the situation. The way out of tactical hell is to gain a higher perspective about what you're really trying to achieve.